Female students at KIHBT trained on Sexual Reproductive Health and Well being

Female students at KIHBT trained on Sexual Reproductive Health and Well being

Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology has had a high number of female students’ enrolment especially in the long programs in Highways Technology, a departure from past trend where female enrolment was traditionally lower.

Affirmative action has been able to bridge the gender gap. This called for an intervention by the program leaders and the to sensitize the female students on Sexual Reproductive Health and wellbeing to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

The Ministry of Health officials have been very instrumental in the key delivery of wellbeing awareness, and they covered a range of units surrounding the subject matter. Pregnancy and prevention were among the key issues that focused on the reproductive system. The different methods of contraceptives were brought to light and the health facilities they can access them. Unintended pregnancy was not left behind, the consequences and available support systems were discussed.

Female students during the Sexual Reproductive and well-being training session

The most common Sexually Transmitted Infections were highlighted, symptoms, consequences and practice of safe sex to avoid such infections. Regular health checkup was encouraged while in doubt and potential long term health impacts were highlighted.

The modes transmission of HIV and AIDS were covered, its common symptoms, risky and non-risky behaviors and the consequences of HIV infections. Guidance on accessing testing kits, Voluntary Counselling Testing (VCT) and support services were drawn to their attention.

The presence of the Ministry of Health officials and their engagement ensured that accurate, reliable information is provided, and support resources are emphasized upon. The institute is optimistic on having regular workshops and resources to keep students informed about sexual and reproductive health among others social issues affecting them. Implementing a feedback mechanism is underway to understand the effectiveness of the program and areas for improvement.

By Beatrice Njenga, Communication Officer for EASTRIP at KIHBT